Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Rose Tints? You need The Fit List vs. The Hit List

Here we go again: devotion; bad behavior; faith; ill manners; stupidity; romance or loyalty. But which one do you show? He-Who-Observes has noticed a growing trend in personalities, and to be honest, its time to wade through some muck/silk.

Fit List

Ahh, to feel your heart flutter. Joyous isn’t it? Those texts out of the blue, the little gestures, the moments that last in your mind forever and the incredible actions of fellow human beings that genuinely takes your breath away.

Those who sit on the fit list text back, proactively maintain a friendship, buy you a drink after a hard day and probably share their last Rolo. It’s the spontaneous and natural urge of heaven that keeps these angels firmly on the fit list.

I hate to cliché this, but the fit list is the laughs on the adverts, the hugs from the heart and the reassurance that everything will be ok. It’s those who listen, those who cry with you and those that appreciate true romance. Get on a train, they’re only a couple of hours away, if someone invites you to something a month in advance: Go, and if the person sitting next to you is down – offer them 5 minutes of listening time.

Hit List

Bang.Bang.Bang. They’re the nails in common sense’s coffin.

Yes, you may meet another who is the iconic: ‘fit’, but as soon as their personality screeches through the slits in their soul, it’s amazing how quickly the rose tints come off – don’t you think? Suddenly the warm glow that beamed from the heart of the beloved suddenly turns into an icy wind or a chill down the back of your neck. And however much you try to look for the blanket to warm the whole thing back up again, you’ll always have that draught on your ankles.

Ringing bells in your head?

You on the hit list don’t listen, you don’t text back, you just are. The lack in compassion eventually leaves you a few friends down. You’ll get fazed out, trust me, its happening now and you probably don’t even realize it.

How we become to sit on the fit list or the hit list is a question of psychology, social norms and personal acceptance. Give and inch…

Well He-Who-Observes is setting a trend, get the gist and jump on the right list, because if you’re names not down: you’re not coming in.

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